Ø Standard Checkpoints:
Standard checkpoint is used for checking the standard GUI objects properties value.
Ø Bitmap checkpoints:
Bitmap checkpoint is used for checking the complete bitmap or a part of a bitmap.
Ø Text Checkpoint:
Text checkpoint is used for checking the text present on a specified object.
Ø Text Area Check Point:
Test area checkpoint is used for checking the test presenting a specified area. It can be inserted only through the application but not through the active screen
Ø Data Base Checkpoint:
Data base check point is used for checking the contents of the data base
Ø XML Check Point:
XML is a universally understandable language which is mainly used for data information
Note: XML check point is used for checking the contents of an XML file
Ø Table Check Point:
This is used for checking the contents of a table
Ø Image Check Point:
This is used for checking the properties of an image
Ø Accessibility Check point:
Accessibility check point is used for checking the w3c standards in order to confirm, the page can be accessed all over the world or not