Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Type Of Check Points

Ø  Standard Checkpoints:

      Standard checkpoint is used for checking the standard GUI objects properties value.
Ø   Bitmap checkpoints:
Bitmap checkpoint is used for checking the complete bitmap or a part of a bitmap.
Ø   Text Checkpoint:
Text checkpoint is used for checking the text present on a specified object.
Ø  Text Area Check Point:
Test area checkpoint is used for checking the test presenting a specified area. It can be inserted only through the application but not through the active screen
Ø  Data Base Checkpoint:
      Data base check point is used for checking the contents of the data base
Ø  XML Check Point:
XML is a universally understandable language which is mainly used for data information
Note: XML check point is used for checking the contents of an XML file
Ø  Table Check Point:
This is used for checking the contents of a table
Ø  Image Check Point:

                              This is used for checking the properties of an image
Ø  Accessibility Check point:
Accessibility check point is used for checking the w3c standards in order to confirm, the page can be accessed all over the world or not

Check Point

Checkpoint is defined as validation pointer test point which checks the objects state or bitmap state or data state during execution at any point of time

Operational over view of checkpoint:
                Checkpoint works in two phases

i.      Pre-execution Phase:
·    It captures the expected value
·    Generates the corresponding test script statement
ii.    While-execution phase:
·    It captures the actual value
·    Compared the actual value with the expected value
·    Displays the result


Synchronization is a process of matching the speeds of both the tool and the application in order to keep them in sync with each other to obtain proper testing results
Here the main concept is making the tool to wait till the application finishes its work it can be done in following ways.
Ø  Inserting the synchronization point
Ø  Increasing the default time
Ø  Inserting the wait statement
SYNTAX: Object hierarchy. Wait property ”Property name” property value, extra time in milliseconds
Syntax for Wait Statement:
                        Wait (time in seconds)
Example: Wait (5)