Friday, April 21, 2017

XML is a markup language designed to store data in a format that can be both readable by human and machine. Using XML, data can also be easily exchanged between computer and database systems.
Sample XML and their key elements are represented below −

Accessing XML
Const XMLDataFile = "C:\TestData.xml"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = False

' Getting the number of Nodes (books)
Set nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/bookstore/book")
Print "Total books: " & nodes.Length    ' Displays 2

' get all titles
Set nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/Booklib/book/value/text()")

' get their values
For i = 0 To (nodes.Length - 1)
   Title = nodes(i).NodeValue
   Print "Title is" & (i + 1) & ": " & Title

We can compare two given XMLs −

Dim xmlDoc1
Dim xmlDoc2

' Load the XML Files
Set xmlDoc1 = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile ("C:\File1.xml")
Set xmlDoc2 = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile ("C:\File2.xml")

'Use the compare method of the XML to check if they are equivalent
Comp = xmlDoc1.Compare (xmlDoc1, xmlDoc2)

'Returns 1 if the two files are the same
If Comp = 1 Then
   Msgbox "XML Files are the Same"
   Msgbox "XML Files are Different"
End if